Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 1: Draw everyday

Lately , I've been noticing that I have not been able to draw as lately as much as I wanted to. Sure I have been doing some of my artwork over the weekend to develop my character portfolio and other projects but I haven't really drawn much anymore over the weekdays which I deeply missed as an artist to draw on a constant basis. In order to get my lazy butt off and keep up on a daily basis, I had this crazy idea a week ago that I should try to draw an image every single day for the year 2013 starting on my birthday January 29th. For here is the first to what will be many more drawings. My goal is to create a wide range of drawing styles or techniques throughout this year. Some will be detailed and some will be quick sketches. Some in color and some in gray scale. I hope you enjoy this journey with me as I try something I have never done before.

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